# Required | Enter the unique product IDs of items in your inventory. These product IDs must match the ones in your original catalog data feed and your pixel. | Max characters: 100,# Required | Enter the country code for the country that will override your original data feed. Supported codes; https://www.facebook.com/business/help/2144286692311411 ,"# Recommended | The current availability of the item in your store. | Supported values: in stock, available for order, preorder, out of stock, discontinued",# Recommended | The cost and currency of the item. The price is a number followed by the currency code (ISO 4217 standards).,# Recommended | The URL of the website where you can buy the item. ,"# Recommended | The discounted price and currency code for the product if it's on sale. The sale price is a number followed by the currency code (ISO 4217 standards). Use ""."" as the decimal for the sale price. The sale price is required if you plan on usi",# Optional | The title of the item. | Max character limit: 100,# Optional | A short description describing the item. | Max character limit: 5000,"# Optional | You can use unique manufacturer part number (MPN), Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), or brand name for your product. You only need to use one of these values for this column (not all of them). | Supported values for GTIN: UPC, EAN, JAN and ISB","# Optional | The start and end date and time for your sale, written as: YYYY-MM-DDT0:00-23:59/YYYY-MM-DDT0:00-23:59." id,override ,availability,price,link,sale_price,title,description,brand,sale_price_effective_date FB_product_1234,FR,in stock,9.99 EUR,https://www.facebook.fr/facebook_t_shirt,4.99 EUR,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,Facebook,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59 FB_product_1234,GB,out of stock,9.99 GBP,https://www.facebook.co.uk/facebook_t_shirt,4.99 GBP,Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex),A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.,Facebook,2017-12-01T0:00-23:59/2017-12-31T0:00-23:59